Saturday 25 April 2015

Week 3

Week 3 has been so good!!! 

I had my weigh in Friday and have lost 4lbs of fat which is 2% of my fat percentage so actually quite a lot for me!!! And gained 4lbs of muscle!! So happy! I've always said my intention on this diet is mainly to tone so these are perfect results!! I was so surprised after last weeks disaster hotel food! And snacking over the weekends! 

To celebrate I had banoffee pie last night....I'll never be 100% was so worth it!!! 

I am even more pleased that I'm seeing results and not spending every day longing for sweet food or feeling like I'm massively missing out! Because the diets been quite laid back/realistic for me I don't feel like I'm forbidden to eat certain things. This helps so much at the weekend or in the evening I don't then go wild and eat 20 of what I've fancied all day/week! Definitely think it works much better for maybe give it a go if you think dieting is also the worst thing ever!!! 

Another first I did this week was take a lunchbox to work....genius! No idea why I've never done it! Just took some chicken, potato salad and salad from the night before's dinner....was really nice wayyy better than a boots meal deal anyway and better!!! Will be doing this more often to avoid bad things when out! 

1 comment:

  1. That's so good gaining muscle but losing the weight. The recipes are great!
    I really need to get into meal prep. I'm so jealous of your progress and I'm still fat :(
    Your doing exceptional, keep going !!!!!!!!!! And keep posting, it's my motivation !
