Monday 27 April 2015

Banana protein shake

Good morning!!!! Time for another successful healthy week (I hope!!...also off on holiday so not sure who I'm trying to kid lol!!!). However starting Monday right with this lovely banana shake....tastes like a milkshake! 
This is so quick and easy...suits me perfect before work! All you need to do is blend your vanilla protein (I used protein world slender blend) with 1 chopped banana....pour into a cup and add some gluten free oats!! Sorry it's not overly exciting, but so tasty...and sweet!! 

Saturday 25 April 2015

Week 3

Week 3 has been so good!!! 

I had my weigh in Friday and have lost 4lbs of fat which is 2% of my fat percentage so actually quite a lot for me!!! And gained 4lbs of muscle!! So happy! I've always said my intention on this diet is mainly to tone so these are perfect results!! I was so surprised after last weeks disaster hotel food! And snacking over the weekends! 

To celebrate I had banoffee pie last night....I'll never be 100% was so worth it!!! 

I am even more pleased that I'm seeing results and not spending every day longing for sweet food or feeling like I'm massively missing out! Because the diets been quite laid back/realistic for me I don't feel like I'm forbidden to eat certain things. This helps so much at the weekend or in the evening I don't then go wild and eat 20 of what I've fancied all day/week! Definitely think it works much better for maybe give it a go if you think dieting is also the worst thing ever!!! 

Another first I did this week was take a lunchbox to work....genius! No idea why I've never done it! Just took some chicken, potato salad and salad from the night before's dinner....was really nice wayyy better than a boots meal deal anyway and better!!! Will be doing this more often to avoid bad things when out! 

Strawberries & cream protein cheesecake

So so delicious!!! 388 calories! 6g fat, 38g of carbs, 7g sugar, 57g protein! And you will so feel like you're having an amazing dessert!!! I LOVE it!!!! I'm counting this as one meal....doesn't even feel like I'm being good . . . But I am . . . :) 

To make mix 50g of gluten free oats with 2 tablespoons of Waldens farm 0 calorie syrup and squash down at the bottom of the cup, thinly slice 7 small strawberries layer 1/3 above the compressed oats. 
Then start on the filling....use 5 scoops of vanilla protein (I used protein world slender blend) then add 100g of 0% total and stir until you get a smooth consistency (might start off lumpy but keep going) pour some on top of your strawberries layer until you reach the top, put in the fridge for half an hour or if you're impatient like me, eat straight away!!!! 

Friday 24 April 2015

Strawberry protein pancakes

Had the most amazing breakfast as a treat for having a good weigh in this week!!! 

'So good' protein pancakes 3 scoops mixed with 75ml of unsweetened almond milk, leave while the pan heats, fry 5 small pancakes seperately. Then layer with 0% total yoghurt and about 5 strawberries!! So so nice!!! Was like a dessert minus all the added sugars!!just some in the mix and strawberries (can't be helped) have a go over the weekend....enjoy!!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Diet started Monday and kept going on Tuesday!!

Today was another good day!!! Actually think I might be getting slightly better at this healthy malarkey!!! 

Started with a berry smoothie, lunched on tuna, sweet corn and mayonnaise salad and finished the day with this random but delicious dinner....

I made potato salad with bacon (sneaking it in) spring onions, garlic, mayo and Philadelphia....chicken cooked I'm lemon juice and olive oil, ready to go prawns (quick and easy) and added a red chilli pesto and cooked for 5 minutes! With a salad some broccoli, sugar snap peas and spinach!!! 

Monday 20 April 2015

Diet starts Monday!!!

After the weekends disasters I'm starting Monday off right!!! I spent an hour in the gym this morning trying to burn off my over indulgent weekend!!! So I've come home and made these as a healthy reward!! They were delicious!!!

I used my favourite 'so good' protein pancake mix and added blueberries in! So easy just 3 scoops of mix and 75ml of water! Leave for 5 while the pan heats up, and then cook your pancakes....stack with 1 banana and pour on 0 calorie 'Waldenses farm' pancake syrup! So so good!!!  

Sunday 19 April 2015

Hotel hell!!!

This weekend I have been away working.....eating well at home is hard.....eating well away from home is a whole new level of hard!!! 
After Friday's cheesecake treat and Saturday mornings back on track shake I thought I could prove my weekend weaknesses wrong and stick to my healthy eating....oh no....

I got on the train to Liverpool with a duck wrap, olives and water meal deal and thought I was doing ok! But then the free snack boxes arrived and I was quickly into the Maryland cookies!! (Lucky is was a small pack) when I arrived at work these were my failure....

I have 0 idea of how to say no to sweet treats when out!! And once you've had one there's no stopping!!! We shared them until they were gone!!! This wasn't Saturday's only fail however! As soon as we got back to the hotel room service was ordered!! We hadn't had dinner so obviously felt it was fully deserved!!! I also need to add it really wasn't nice! Or worth it!!! Complete nightmare of a day!!! And I'm now writing this on the train home with yet another meal deal!!! starts Monday yeah?!? 

Friday 17 April 2015

Week 2 has been a hard one!!

Week 2 had been so busy!!! I apologise for my lack of posts! 

However I have somehow managed to pretty much (minus the cheesecake) stay on track!!! Today I had my weigh in and have lost fat and gained muscle again!!! I'm going to do a post tomorrow with some result pictures as much as I can't stand the first one!!!! But it's good to know and be able to see the progress you've made!!

This week I've stayed on a similar style diet as last week, I still wanted results quickly and wanted to eat sweet!!! So I stuck to shakes!!!! I'm in love with them I feel like it's cheating.....but it's not!!! I look forward to them I've tricked myself into a diet!! And it's working!!! 

I'm going to just post a quick run through of meals so you get an idea and will try to post more regularly over the weekend!!! 

Wednesday was a shake for breakfast (as always) I then had another one for lunch and snacked on carrot sticks! Dinner was lovely salmon, new potatoes (get the carbs in) and broccolli! The weather being nice has motivated me massively to eat lighter meals which is making this a lot easier!! And a cold glass of rosé...oops

Thursday I had work so was out!!! (Nightmare for diet) shake again for breakfast....delicious!!! Followed by (not the best) a southern fried chicken wrap I grabbed from sainsburys! With snack a jacks (I have in my head these are diet crisps, they're probably not advisable but I feel less bad so pick them anyway) more carrot sticks to snack on.....purely because I seem to want to eat continuously!! Then for dinner a lovely nandos!! If you're eating out it's ideal!!! Hummus with your fats in! Sweet potato for good carbs!! And chicken with a sauce that's pretty ok on a calorie level too!! :) followed up with 3 vodka tonics....well it was nearly the weekend!!    

Today!! After my weigh in I was so so pleased!!!! So I'm definitely sticking to it!! Threw together a normal shake as I was being rushed out the house!! Nothing fancy to show you pictures of  afraid!! Then managed to keep slightly on track whilst having a pub lunch which is unheard of for me!! Had steak changed the chips for potato and tomatoes...quite good!...just when I thought I'd completed the week without any cheats the dessert menu arrived and it was downhill from there!!!. . . I'm a sucker for a good dessert!! And there was cheesecake on the menu!!! So that went down an absolute treat!!! I plan on attempting to regain some control over the weekend....wish me luck!!

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Week 2 (never thought that would happen) day 2

Breakfast yesterday was this lovely strawberry shake using 2 25g scoops protein powder, 3 strawberries, 200ml unsweetened almond milk, with 40g raw gluten free oats and 2 more strawberries and a couple of raspberries on top! It fitted my sweet tooth perfectly and only 329 calories!!! Give it a go :) 

I was busy working yesterday so no time for cooking! Grabbed a chicken fajita wrap from co op for lunch with carrot sticks and hummus (trying to buy healthy snacks) ideally this week I want to start prep-ing  healthy meals for when I'm out an about......but there's always something id rather watch on TV!!!! Lol! 

Dinner again was bought I had an m&s Thai green curry! Actually really nice (doesn't look it in the pic I know) and quite low calorie too!!! Again not perfect but realistic!!! 

Water going much better I no longer feel like a whale after drinking a couple of litres and am up to 3-4 a day!!! Instantly feeling much better for it!!! 

I've trained once so far this week and didn't stay for cardio (slap on the wrist) I hate cardio!!! But I'm going in a minute so I will try and bring myself to stay!!!! Just for 15 mins!!

Also as the weathers getting better I just want ice cream every day!!!! So I'm going to try out a few healthy options of ice cream and see if I can substitute it!!! Fingers crossed.......

(Here's my manky looking Thai curry) 

The weekend!!!

I always slip up at the weekends, during the week I can just about stick to a healthy diet but as soon as everyone's off work I think it's a licence to eat!!!!! Like I've worked hard all week and I deserve this packet of buiscuits/Nutella pancake/chocolate muffin/strawberry yoghurt/Victoria sponge cake/scones with cream and jam/banana waffles.....I could go on for days!!! 
  Really, you're just undoing the hard work!! I like a treat within the diet so to add this on top makes it completely pointless (not that I haven't done it a thousand times) I also find once I eat one thing I have an 'oh well might as well eat the next' attitude and they whole healthy eating idea comes crumbling down!!! 
  This weekend however I pretty much (no idea how) managed to stick to my plan!!! I continued my shake for breakfast routine, lunch was chicken and cous cous and dinner some chilli con carne! It was my brothers 21st party so a slice of cake was inevitable but It's not the end of the world!!
   I've never cut alcohol out when dieting (I'd find it too hard lol) so I stick to vodka tonic with fresh lime, pretty low calorie drink, try to avoid alco-pops, rosé wine anything high in sugar if you're out drinking! 
   I had a recovery orange juice on Sunday but other than that I've only had water all week, I think fizzy drinks are a waste of calories I'd much rather have chocolate!! But whatever floats your boat...

Monday 13 April 2015


Protein pancakes!!!
So easy!! I'm using so good protein pancake mix which you only have to add water or milk to. Stir and leave for 2 minutes while the pan heats up, fry on both sides for about 30 seconds - a minute, or whenever it's ready, plate up with strawberries and raspberries and amazing Walden Farms calorie free pancake syrup! Highly reccomend!!! Sweet & guilt free! I'll post about the weeks later! :) 

Friday 10 April 2015

Day 4

This morning I had really good weigh in results at the gym so I'm very happy!! I've lost 2% body fat and gained 3lbs in muscle!! I'm not trying to lose weight, just tone for summer so these type of results are exactly what I wanted!! 
  I've trained 3 times this week, half an hour weights sessions plus I stayed and did 15 minutes cardio after 2 of them! 15 minutes interval training on the treadmill is as much as I can do at the moment, I feel like I'm going to die when I get off!!!! 
I'll have to try and improve! 

Breakfast!! Strawberry shake today....I guess you'll know the recipie if you've read any other days but I'll put it anyway! 

4 strawberries quartered, 200ml unsweetened almond milk, 2 25g scoops of vanilla protein...blend add 25g oats (I'm using morrisons free from oats) check your oats don't contain too much sugar!! Mine have 2.6g per 40g serving which isn't too bad! 3 raspberries on top!

There's a little video on insta with me making it :) 

Dinner yesterday was a lovely roast chicken!!! Try and avoid eating the skin it's very fatty!! Just served with an easy salad; tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, red pepper, cress, cucumber, add whatever you fancy! And a potato salad (a bit naughty - but I love potato salad) I boiled new potatoes, fried some bacon (oops!) and chopped a couple spring onions, a large clove of garlic crushed all mixed in with a few spoonfuls of mayonnaise, half a small pack of Philadelphia and 2 spoons of natural yoghurt! I don't want to think of the calories but it was AMAZING!!! 

Also I'm usually cooking for 4/5/6 people, that's why it looks like loads!! I love food but even for me that's too much! vary your portion sizes accordingly! 

Thursday 9 April 2015

Day 3

Started my morning off well, with this banana shake! I used 1 banana blended with 250ml almond milk and 2 25g scoops of protein. Poured it into a cup and layered with 25g of oats (bit less than usual as banana is quite carby!) I've also put a few almonds on top to get some good fats in!!! And some low fat Greek yoghurt which is probably unnecessary diet wise but tastes & looks good!!! 
I had castings today so lunch wasn't as good! Eating out or on the go is definitely my biggest set back (and it happens a LOT) 🙈 boots meal deal today, I tried to be medium good! I had a hoisin duck wrap (sauce is sugary-bad move) and a pot of olives - surprisingly ok & another way to get good fats in! Then just a litre bottle of water, still trying to get 2-3 litres in im at 2 + now and don't feel like a walking water bed anymore so that's good!! :) 

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Oh dear!

The diet fell off the healthy wagon at lunchtime....I went out for lunch to see my grandad and the pub menu got the better of me!!! This chicken and ham hock pie was DELICIOUS! I dread to think of the calories, but I hope I can learn to make it!! Eating out is so hard! The menu's often have none or very limited healthy options, and I hate having to settle for something I don't really like! 

 I don't feel that bad I guess I'll go for the 80/20 good/bad ratio 🙈 I just had a tin of tuna and one of sweetcorn with mayonnaise and salad for dinner to try and counteract the pie! World's worst dieter strikes again!!! 

Day 2

Gym this morning, half an hour weights training and 15 mins cardio, then I had this lovely strawberry milkshake in the sunshine!!! 4 strawberries, quartered, 2 25g scoops of vanilla protein and 200ml water....blend and go! Also going to try and drink lots this week probably 2-3 litres a day...we'll see how it goes! 

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Day 1!

 I got home late from London working so this is really quick and easy!!! I'm having low carbs this week because I want to hopefully see quick results to keep me motivated as it's only been a few hours and already feels like so LONG!! Anyway....chicken stir fry...chop and fry a small onion, add 1-2 chicken breasts cut up quite small, once the chicken's about half cooked add in some baby sweetcorn and sugar snap peas. Then add the sauce pictured below (because it's quick and easy) or something similar. Pre steam the broccoli and add in with some red pepper and enjoy......

I know the sauce has some sugars and isn't ideal but I still want to enjoy what Im eating so it's a compromise! 

This was my pret a manger chicken salad for lunch....just in case you were wondering.
I didn't have the dressing but it was lovely and managed to resist a brownie! That's a first! 

World's worst dieter!

Hi! Welcome to my blog!  Hoping posting meal ideas and how my diets going will keep me more motivated as I'm THE worst dieter and find it SO hard to stick to a plan, I'm sure you can relate :) Bear with me as I'm new to this but I hope you like the recipes and it can motivate you too! 

Today's breakfast shake was sweet so I'm more than happy! 2 25g scoops of vanilla protein, blended with 200ml unsweetened almond milk and 1/2 banana to make a thick yoghurt consistency then add 50g raw oats (the yoghurt is enough to not make them dry, or if you hate them raw just blend in and add an extra 50ml almond milk!) with a few strawberries on top! Easy and delicious! Enjoy if you try!